IPv6 Deployment in U.S. Nearly Doubles Since World IPv6 Launch
With all the IPv6 fanfare and press leading up to World IPv6 Launch this past June 6th, after which things quieted down, I've been wondering, has anything happened since? According to ongoing research conducted by the England Chapter of the Internet Society published on the RIPE NCC website , most countries worldwide have experienced higher IPv6 penetration as measured in August, 2012 vs. June, 2012. In fact, the U.S. experienced the largest percentage increase in IPv6 penetration over the period, leaping from 6.17% to 11.46%! The research project is dubbed the IPv6 Matrix Project, and full details about the project can be found on its website . In a nutshell, the system attempts an "IPv6 crawl" by looking up DNS records for the top one million websites (and then some) according to Alexa. The system uses DNS results to initiate connection attempts to email, web and time servers. The IPv6 Matrix website home page displays a world map, which I assume displays the very ...