You're invited to participate in our DNSSEC Survey
Signing DNS data with DNSSEC enables an organization to authenticate its web addresses and other published DNS information, i.e., to secure its namespace. DNSSEC also protects against DNS cache poisoning attacks when DNSSEC validation is enabled on DNS recursive server resolvers. As such DNSSEC is a critical component of a comprehensive DNS security strategy which should also include use of functional and port access control lists (ACLs), transaction signature keys to sign updates and transfers among servers, detection of DNS anomalies, and possibly domain name filtering or firewalling to restrict communications among malware-infected devices and corresponding command and control centers. BT Diamond IP is sponsoring a DNSSEC survey to gather input from DNS and network administrators regarding their opinions about the value of DNSSEC, potential obstacles to implementation, and relative priority of deployment. And you are hereby invited to participate! The survey consists of twelve que...